函数OptanonWrapper(){窗口.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}播客 host Soterios Johnson shares his California loves
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California Questionnaire: Soterios Johnson

California Questionnaire: Soterios Johnson

The New York City radio veteran 和 podcast host reveals why he loves living in the Golden State

Soterios Johnson is not exactly a California expert—not yet, anyway. And that is one big reason why he is the ideal host 为 br和-new California Now播客. 约翰逊是美国国家公共电台(NPR)的前主持人 晨报 WNYC在纽约报道, is a relative newcomer to the Golden State 和 is actively seeking to fill up his personal travel to-do list. As the voice of the interview-based California Now podcast, Johnson will talk to a diverse collection of experts 和 extract tips 和 insights from dozens of insiders. Johnson will leverage both his journalistic skills 和 his personal curiosity to uncover the best things to do 和 the most fascinating places to explore throughout the state. 

Although much of what is captured below may be rethought over the months ahead, Johnson eagerly answered our California Questionnaire.

你住在哪里?? 林地.

为什么? 就在旁边 加州大学戴维斯分校我工作的地方. 它有一个迷人的市中心, 一些伟大的古老建筑, 和 a nice mix of people—newcomers 和 old-timers.

Who or what is your greatest California love? 很难只选一个! I love the weather, the people, the super-fresh 建立食品 选择和悠闲的氛围. I love spending time on the beach, 和 I’m still on a quest to find 我最喜欢的沙滩 在加州.

What is the biggest misperception about Californians? That they have their heads in the clouds. 当然,有些人可以 有点糊涂,但这只是增加了个性. Most of the Californians I’ve met are thoughtful, smart, generous, self-aware people. I think the rep of being “out there” comes from California being 站在最前线 of so many movements, 和 it takes a while 为 rest of society to catch up.  

What is the stereotype that most holds true? 每个人都开车去任何地方. 也就是说,你不必这么做. Many cities have good public transportation options, 和 you can find areas with excellent infrastructure for walking 和 cycling. 

What is your favorite Golden State splurge? Spending some time on a beach away from the crowds. 我想在附近的某个地方 拉古纳海滩Palos Verdes牧场, 马里布, or Coronado

Time for a road trip—where are you going? I would take a leisurely drive down the Pacific Coast Highway from the Sonoma Coast down to 大瑟尔. 我会从海洋牧场开始, where you have these serene sounds of nature 和 views overlooking the Pacific Ocean. 海洋牧场 is a small, secluded, environmentally planned private community developed in the late 1960s. It’s quiet 和 remote—a good spot to plan my trip 和 start fresh. 我的其他停留将包括 酒窖湾, a fishing village where I could chow down on clam chowder 和 just-caught seafood 和 then check out where Alfred Hitchcock’s 小鸟 被击中. Next: Point Reyes, where I would explore the beautiful coastline at 雷耶斯岬国家海岸. And then I would stop in San Francisco so I could visit SFMOMA 和 the Legion of Honor museum, 和 have dinner in 中国town.

The next day I would head south 和 sample the 圣克鲁斯的美食 before continuing down to visit the 蒙特利湾水族馆罐头厂行. And then, of course, I would spend as much time as possible exploring 大瑟尔-包括徒步旅行 加拉帕塔州立公园, a place I learned about after interviewing 萨曼莎布朗California Now播客.

If you could decree an official state culinary experience, what would it be? 我想象着索诺玛葡萄园. I’m sitting outside, overlooking rolling hills 和 grapevines 和 enjoying local 奶酪和时令农产品. 

你如何定义加州风格? Very casual 和 comfortable—linens 和 cottons. 在裙子里. Shorts, sunglasses, skateboard shoes or flip-flops.

最佳加州歌曲? I love “Another Day of Sun,” the opening song from the film 《bbin游戏官网》. And who can forget that amazing opening dance number on that freeway ramp in Los Angeles? While the music is upbeat 和 exuberant, the lyrics betray an acknowledgment that dreams don’t always come true, even if you live in a sunny wonderl和. 讽刺意味是高明的. I’m also a big fan of the Eagles’ “Hotel California.” Is it a sociopolitical statement about American culture or an allegory about hedonism? Not sure, but any way you slice it, it’s a great song with one of the best guitar solos ever. 我小时候住在新泽西, listening to that song while staring at the album cover photo of the palm trees 和 比佛利山庄酒店 set against an eerie sunset definitely left an impression.

How would your California dream day unfold? First off, this is not a realistic day—I would need a 《bbin游戏官网》 运输机来实现这一点. Having said that, I can imagine letting the 太平洋的声音 当我的闹钟吧. I wake up whenever 和 then take a dip in a pool before I enjoy a Southern California breakfast of locally grown ingredients, including fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice. Afterward I would bike to the beach to swim 和 chill until it’s time for lunch at a food truck or 快餐店的汉堡. My afternoon would be spent touring the 盖蒂中心 和, if there’s enough time, a Hollywood studio tour. Next I would enjoy a relaxing dinner in 葡萄酒的国家, 和 then end this perfect day somewhere 非常非常暗 这样我就能享受一点 耽于幻想 睡觉前.



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